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Rabbi Avraham Sutton

Avraham Sutton is an Orthodox Torah mentor, teacher, and author. For over 30 years he has been learning and teaching prophetic    Torah, kabbalah, talmud, midrash, chassidut, prayer and meditation, and sacred song. He has translated, edited and/or authored over 20 major works in English on the deeper significance of Torah for our age. 

Avraham is a unique Torah scholar. Steeped in the tradition of the great masters (the Talmud, the Midrash, the Zohar, the Ari, the Baal Shem Tov, the Ramchal, the Gra, Rabbi Nachman, the Ben Ish Chai, the Leshem, etc.), he is an “insider” of Torah. He helps us go “behind the scenes” to understand how Hashem’s Plan for Israel and Mankind is in full swing at this very moment. Based on ancient sources, he unfolds a breathtaking prophetic vision of the future direction of our planet, of mankind-of everything. Avraham emphasizes that the changes we are looking forward to are not going to happen “out there” on the outer stage of history until they happen “inside” each and every one of us. He teaches the importance of inner work, of knowing who we are, and why we (our souls) have been born at this momentous time.

Born in the US, Avraham has lived in Israel since 1977, and has imbibed Torah from some of the great teachers in Jerusalem. He addresses the deeper soul-issues of our age. He speaks about the meaning of living at this crucial time in history. He is a scholar, but one who speaks from the heart. His teachings all revolve around the need to develop a greater awareness of God in our lives.

1974-1975 Dvar Yerushalayim Jerusalem, Rabbi Baruch Horowitz.
1975-1977 Mikdash Melech New York, Rabbi Chayim Benoliel.
1977-1980 Ohr Sameach Givat Ada, Jerusalem
1980-1981 Nachliel Migdal HaEmek, Rabbi Nachman Bulman z”l.
1981-1985 HaChayim VeHaShalom-Israeli Rabbinical and Kabbalistic Yeshivah, Jerusalem, Rabbi Eliyahu Attieh and Rabbi Mordechai Attieh.

Since 1985 Rabbi Sutton has been teaching Noahide and Jews all over the world.

Some of the 20 + books authored, co-authored or edited by Rabbi Avraham Sutton

Anatomy of the Soul
Spiritual Technology
The Breslev Siddur
Purim Light
Mashiach: Who? What? Why? How? Where and When?

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