Healthcare Chaplaincy
The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others.

Healthcare chaplains operate in many healthcare sites internationally and integral members of the healthcare team. Many undergo extensive clinical education to better serve those in their care. Board Certification through the Association of Professional Chaplains is a capstone achievement in a chaplain's career.
Working as a health-care chaplain means spending time at hospitals, clinics, hospice, nursing homes or other medical facility helping those who are sick, injured, or dying. They can be present in the Emergency Room to pray for and calm a conscious patient as doctors work to save his life. They can be present in the Chapel to offer regular services and prayer. They are part of the Hospital's ethical decision-making process and members of the team when difficult decisions must be made. Sometimes they lead weekly support groups for those recovering from grief, domestic violence, drug abuse and other issues. They may conduct quarterly memorial services for people who died at the hospital.
This often means providing counseling, helping patients work through grief or anger, and comforting those who are dying. They may provide critical religious care for patients on their deathbed. Health-care chaplains don’t work solely with patients—they may also work with the children and families of patients, especially those who are losing a loved one. They counsel with doctors, nurses and other staff who are caring for patients experiencing extreme trauma.
A health-care chaplain may help a visitor navigate the hallways or a patient navigate life after a cancer diagnosis. For them, it's all in a day's work.
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