• 602-388-5772
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Now that we have our new website up and running we are counting on you more than ever.  Why do we need you?  The number of Noahides in the world has increased quite a bit over the past few years and is growing more each day because people like you have been sharing articles, pictures, ideas, thoughts, why you became a Noahide and much more.  Noahide Nations will be celebrating its 10 year anniversary in 2016 and we have done what we can to keep people informed of current world news, educational material, current events, etc.  We will continue to do this but we think it unfortunately, we don't have enough eyes and ears available to capture everything going on in the world.  We would like to ask your help to be a part of our "Eyes & Ears Team".   

The  Eyes & Ears Team would consist of anyone who submits content from articles, audio and video teachings, pictures, radio shows, etc. that would be of interest to the Noahide World Community.  We would love for everyone in every country to help keep fellow Noahides in the loop on everything Noahide.

The Noahide Nations website has undergone significant updating with many new areas of interest.  You can be part of the team that keeps information flowing to Noahide in all corners of the Earth.  To this end we need your participation in contributing any information that will becomes part of the new sections that you see below.  Don't let these sections limit you in your pursuit though because, if necessary we will add additional sections that are appropriate for new submissions. 

For every submission that makes it onto the Noahide Nations website we will post your name as the one who submitted the material.  When your submission makes it onto the site we will mail you an Official Team Member Certificate, if you send us your name, address and phone number.

Every month we will have a drawing from all the submission from that month and the winner will have a tree planted, in their name, in the Holy Land of Israel.  Not only can the tree be planted in your name but maybe you would prefer to have it dedicated to a loved one for a special event; or in memory of someone, whatever you would like.  You will also be receiving a "Tree Planting Certificate" to recognize you or whomever you name.  We know that you are only wanting to keep your fellow Noahides aware of anything that you may come across that would be of interest to Noahides but for your help in doing that we would like to recognize you in a special way.  This is our way of doing that.

Here are a few of the new sections we look forward to having on the new website but please visit the new site and see everything that is available:


  • A section that portrays a variety of fascinating facts from varying subjects.
  • Our vision is to have this section promote the pondering and awe of Hashem's greatness.


  • One or two verses from Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and/or Song of Songs that have been meaningful to you.
  • Any commentaries or personal experience with the verses is most welcome!


  • Any reliable, informative articles or sources pertaining to the seven laws: Theft, Murder, Blasphemy, Establish Courts of Justice, Do Not Eat the Limb of Living Animal, Idolatry, and Adultery.
  • Real-life examples of people performing the seven laws - either you personally or someone you may know.


  • Teachings from rabbis such as Rabbi Tovia Singer and Rabbi Michael Skobac as to why Torah is true compared to other religions.
  • This section is intended to be useful for those who are searching for more answers and/or are dissatisfied with their current teachings.
  • Personal stories of how individuals came to understand the truth of Torah are welcome.


  • Real life examples of people you know improving the world, whether through simple good deeds, through adhering to the seven laws, or any other way you deem appropriate.

Again, we will be happy to post the name of anyone who submits information or stories that we post on the new website. We are looking forward to continuing with more Noahide community involvement and a more interactive and informative website!

Send all submissions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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