Rabbi Chaim Richmond is one of the leading authorities on the Noahide Laws and has received thousands of halachic questions from Noahides over the years. In this teaching he answers a great many of the most often asked questions. Questions like what can a Noahides study, how many mitzvot are Noahides allowed to keep, can Noahides keep Shabbat, can Noahides study Torah and many more.

He also reminds us that we are personally responsible for whatever we do and do not do, and will be judged by the heavenly court accordingly.

HaShem and his Torah govern every aspect of our lives through commandments but is very compassionate in that governing. This lecture may be the most valuable of the entire conference. You will want to listen to it many times to ensure that you are getting all the important information.

Last modified: Friday, 6 October 2023, 6:54 PM