Begin The Journey

We all need to start somewhere. These selections will start your journey of understanding the teachings of HaShem and His desire for you to follow His Laws as He intended.

What should expect when leaving Christianity behind? This series contains 11 video sections hosted by Nagid Lonnie Hale. 


Embark on an enlightening journey through the foundational teachings of the Torah in this comprehensive lecture series designed for beginners. Whether you are new to the study of Torah or seeking to deepen your understanding, this series offers a structured and accessible introduction to the core concepts, historical context, and spiritual insights of the Torah.

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The Noahide laws, also known as the Seven Laws of Noah, are a set of moral principles that, according to Jewish tradition, were given by God as a binding set of laws for all of humanity. These laws are derived from interpretations of the Torah and are considered by many Jewish scholars to be the basic ethical code for non-Jews.  These laws are considered a universal moral code and are often promoted as a foundation for ethical behavior for all people, regardless of religious affiliation.

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Taking a look at the "New Testament" from a Jewish Perspective


Why do Jews not accept historical Christianity? What is it about that new religion that is so different from their traditional views?


With a great deal of wit and humor Dr. Goldfinger of Johns Hopkins University takes us on a journey of the meaning of life. He is meticulous in giving us explanations on why G-d created the world, why G-d hides from us, what it means to have freewill, and being close to G-d. Dr. Goldfinger shares with us examples of the five levels of pleasure along with what love is and what it is not. Find out how the simple act of giving influences the 5 worlds of Creation. What is t’shuvah and much more in this most enjoyable teaching.

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Rabbi Chaim Richmond is one of the leading authorities on the Noahide Laws and has received thousands of halachic questions from Noahides over the years. In this teaching he answers a great many of the most often asked questions. 


Rabbi Avraham Greenbaum challenges the audience to think about what each person will do with the knowledge that they have gained. Rabbi Greenbaum gives an inspiring teaching that helps Noahides understand who they are and how to serve HaShem.


Rabbi Yeshayahu Hollander teaches on the Psalm 117 and the different interpretations as it relates to Gentiles and Jews.


Rabbi Lazer Brody will energize you with this enlightening teaching on Emuna. Rabbi Brody stated that Noahide's are heroes because of how difficult it is to be Noahide, but we have Emuna.


The Nagid Chaplaincy course is an advanced Noahide study path. Nagid are Noahide leaders who teach and counsel others. This section on abortion is part of the course and should be understood by all Noahides.


Rabbi Chaim Richman gives a moving lesson on how each one of us can change the world.  The trials and tribulations that each of us go through, when we leave our old belief system, to keep God's Torah.