Torah Resources - Downloadable

Torah For Non-Jews is an extensive, rich in references, 2 volume set of articles, stories and science. Everything in this section can be downloaded from the right hand column into two pdf files for you offline reading. We urge you to take the time and make the effort to finish both volumes.

For Confessing Our Sins - Exploring the Al Chet Prayer by: Rabbi Shraga Simmons


Relevance of the Maimonides Source in Relation to the Noahide Declaration: 

Dismantling criticism of the Kibbul outside the Land of Israel by: Yaacov Amar Rothstein


The Duties of the Heart (Chovos Halevovos) is Rabbi Bachya ibn Pakuda's (11th Century Spain) classic theological work on the Jewish principles of faith and man's inner relationship to himself and to God.


The Psalms of King David The Once and Future King  Dedicated to Mashiach ben Yoseph and Mashiach ben David 

Original Translation: The Heart of the Psalms Commentary: The Mind of the Psalms In-depth Essays: The Soul of the Psalms

Science and Religion: A proper perspective through an understanding of Hebrew sources By: Adam Penrod

Can Non-Jews study Kabbalah? What about the Torah?