Knowing HaShem

This category of lessons focuses on your relationship with HaShem. These introductory courses as designed to heighten your awareness and ground you in the Truths of G-d. Several of these videos are from sources outside of our personal library and the rights to these videos are maintained by the presenters.

Rabbi Lazer Brody takes us on a journey about what freedom truly is as well as how to have inner peace the rest of our lives. Rabbi Brody will lift your soul closer to our Creator.


What do we do when bad things happen? How do we approach HaShem? Why does He allow bad things to happen?

Rabbi Benjamin Blech analyzes this question to help us understand.


Rabbi Katz offers teachings from the Talmud and what it means to sanctify the name of God, how does one do that, what is required to sanctify the name of God and what does this mean for the Jew and the Noahide?


Rabbi Moshe Ben Chaim, founder of, takes us on a Talmudic journey to provide us with understanding on a variety of challenging topics.  You will gain important knowledge on why there is only one religion for man, why the Noahide Laws are a right to life.


Rabbi Yeshayahu Hollander of the Nacent Sanhedrin takes us on a journey of study in Psalm 19, written by King David who taught us that the heavens declare the glory of HaShem. 


Rabbi Dovid Gottleib of Tannenbaum University in Israel guides us through Derech HaShem (The "Way of G-d"). This is a philosophical text written in the early 1740s by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto. It is considered one of the quintessential handbooks of Jewish thought. It is be a must read and study for all Noahides.


Continuing on with these sectional videos, Rabbi Gottleib of Ohr Somayach in Israel expounds on the information in this historical and relevant book. 


This installment of 15 videos gets deep into the heart of Derech Hashem. Rabbi Gottlieb is once again teaching his students on the importance of duty and what is expected of us by G-d.


The final installment of the video series rounds out approximately 40 hours of training surrounding the timeless classic, Derech Hashem. Rabbi Gottleib  offers his perspective of Rabbi Chaim Luzzato's book written in the 1740's.


Rabbi Mendel Kessin of TorahThinking.Org gives a two part lecture on who G-d is and and what He isn't and why we should know more about Him.


Dr. Rabbi Zvi Aviner discusses the all important Tetragrammaton (Y-H-V-H).  He shares valuable information on the Name, the significance of knowing the Name, the meaning of the Name and how we violate the law on idolatry by not using the Name properly.